Thursday, August 4, 2005

good news

is that the blog is back. i was on bloghiatus: uploading kept shrinking my jpegs (see June 2005 posts). how annoying. appears fixed and all better now. moving on.

have a lot of time on my hands with not working at work (wait - you want me to file something and not just sit here and stalk people on friendster? are you serious?). summer season at the Garden is s-l-o-w. we got a memo that there is a drought (how do you spell that). they're closing the forest to the public and a lot of the grass is turning brown. all of the gardeners are super tanned. next fundraiser isn't until september 20, in the rose garden. put your dancing shoes on.

july: went on my first vacation since i started working in april 2004. was way long overdue. clara hosted me in san francisco. so sunny. lots of walking. great food. great company. biggest forever21 store ever. will post those pictures too.

in other news: andrea lee's birthday at PEEP in soho (two-way bathroom mirror door thing) , The Bravery concert with andrew, alexis moving back to south carolina (sad), new 'do at Oscar Bond, my boss' pregnancy, Happy Endings (go see it), i think i have a cavity (tried unsuccessfully to give up diet soda), went to Hannah and Jared's wedding in Belfast, ME.

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