Thursday, September 22, 2005


a few nice words from my boss:


Please join me in congratulating the following Special Events staff members on their promotions:

Emilie Schlegel has been promoted to Special Events Manager. Emilie started at the Garden in April 2004 as a Special Events Assistant and grew to take on more responsibility as a Special Events Coordinator. Emilie’s new focus will be the Garden’s fundraising events. Emilie is a valued and exceptional member of the Special Events team and we are all looking forward to her new contributions in this position.

Daria Siegel has been promoted to Special Events Coordinator. Daria started at the Garden a year ago and has shown great promise for a career in the Special Events field. Her new responsibilities will include being the point person for the department’s printed materials, including invitations. Daria will also be supporting Emilie on the fundraising events. Her new achievements are eagerly anticipated.

Please wish Emilie and Daria luck with their new positions!


in other news:

Survived the 15th Anniversary Rose Garden Dinner Dance. As my boss put it, "There was a butt in every seat!" which means I did a decent job of harassing (by phone) and herding/tracking down (via hello moto radio) the party guests. Cocktails were not rained out (despite shady weather), and everyone had a nice time. One down, seven more to go.

Thanks to the generosity and kindness of Arn, I am now the proud owner of a sleek new mini stereo system. Gone is the monster boombox that was purchased before college. It's all about miniaturizing.

I'll be volunteering, behind-the-scenes because I don't do walking, for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer on 10/2. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.

I'm dying to see a movie.


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