Thursday, February 2, 2006

january summary

i got a few (okay, okay - two) complaints about my lack of posting over the last month, so here's a quick list of notables (i'll take pictures this weekend, i promise):

january 11: reunion dinner with andi p. and emma at cafe mogador & small irish bar whose name i can't remember

january 12: wild and out of control candid litho party at latin quarter (candid litho: printing company we use at work) - shout out (!) to DARIA and her new boyfriend the big bouncer; followed by dinner at anna astner's (emma's mom) house - i'm convinced she has the nicest apartment (and nicest bathroom) in manhattan, the food was decadent, the company delightful

january 17: dinner with mandy at the overstimulating japanese restaurant on st. marks

january 18: drinks with nikki and four girls from t h e o r y

january 20: introduce nikki to jamie (vice versa) at sake hana on the east side, followed by drinks (i.e. one drink for me) at a sports bar

january 21: introduce jamie to mom and arn at usual dim sum restaurant in westchester; mom talks AT LENGTH about her, um, 'employment history' at various hospitals; followed by jamie's first trip to the New York City Ballet (at HIS request) and post-performance introduction to faye, ryder, and kristin at Compass for late dinner and drinks

january 22: pakistani food at ahmed's apartment (spicy!)

january 23: restaurant week excursion to BUTTER (415 Lafayette, betw Astor & 4th St.) where the food is amazing and the waitstaff is really nice; nikki hooks jamie up with clothing at the t h e o r y company store (he is a happy camper); introduce jamie to dad, i.e. post-work drink with dad and arn at the bar inside the Drake hotel (around the corner from the Vontobel ofice)

january 26: restaurant week excursion to MESA GRILL - Bobby Flay's restaurant on 5th avenue, accompanied by girls from work (Daria, Shanika, Sara). i spill my grapefruit margarita all over the table. as we are seated right next to the bar, there is a little bit of staring from bar patrons, especially when our pigtailed waitress insists on making a big production over the changing of the table cloth.

january 28: nikki and i go sheet shopping (unsuccessful), do brunch at SQC, and do NoLiTa. we decide not to see "brokeback mountain" because it feels like spring time outside.

PS: i'm not sure why so many of my activities in new york revolve around food and drink, but as the summary demonstrates, they do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here are some latest links to sites where I found some information: or