Tuesday, February 21, 2006


jamie and julie at the bar at olives in the W

andrew and di (surprise!)

julie, di, and the berry mojito at republic

andrew and di at blue ribbon bakery

di in her fabulous aviators


inseattle said...

i had no idea you went to berlin in august...i was there for a weekend in july when i was in prague for five weeks...amazing. took my friends to prater, kulturbrauerei, and the really good italian place in hackescher markt...would have done more with them the next day, but my friend's bag got stolen on the strassenbahn, so i spent the whole day dealing with that...had a room at the marriot on potsdamer platz the next night--weird having german hotel staff being so accomodating...next day was all about friedrichsstrasse, dussman, the whole deal...was looking through pics last night randomly...miss berlin.

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