Wednesday, March 29, 2006

where did march go?

somehow, it's close to the end of yet another month (unbelievable). march was relatively quiet, but interesting nevertheless:

a) annual staff evaluations at work: i've gotten the same evaluation my whole life (please have more confidence, confidence, confidence). this time, though, my superiors added a little complaint about my 'negativity' in the workplace. as a result, work and i are in a fight.

b) did i mention i had to work (inside!) on the most beautiful saturday in march?

c) daria and i went to the opening reception at the International Center of Photography, a new exhibition on contemporary African photography. daria made an excellent point - how odd is it to sip free wine among dozens of hipster 20 and 30 somethings while gazing at pictures of the poor in Africa.

d) went to San Francisco last weekend: played tourist with nikki (in town for 24 hours en route to Sacramento), partied and brunched with clara (she was in a running outfit both times - thursday night and saturday morning), met jamie's super nice parents and watched him play tennis for the first time (will i ever understand what goes on during a tennis match?), and it only rained once. also saw Guster (the band), beach blanket babylon (a campy musical with lots of sequins, big hats, and great voices), and ate and drank really well. jamie and i also tried our hands at cooking (!), and we didn't have to order pizza.


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