Monday, December 12, 2005

i've been busy

last night, nikki requested an update, so here i am, willfully obliging. after thanksgiving, work turned into crazymadness, and i was stuck at the office late many many many days in a row (like, a week and a half, which is a lot for me, considering i work in non-profit and don't get paid overtime), trying to stay afloat in the sea of spreadsheets and papers, all in preparation for our winter wonderland ball (it snowstormed the day of the party, 6 inches, so the puns were flying), which turned out to be a big success, even if we couldn't get the guests to sit down and eat dinner less than an hour late, and everyone talked through and ignored my boss' speech. oh, the party people. saturday following the ball, we hosted a holiday open house for thousands of people, and arn and dad stopped by and drank lots of free wine and were "friendly" to my co-workers and to anyone who would listen.

so, as you can see, life has turned into work, and i really have little else to tell that isn't work related (and can divulge on the world wide web), except that the heat and hot water in my building was out this morning, it's freezing cold and the mad shoppers are out in new york, and i'm really looking forward to the holiday return of emma and alexis (yay), and my trip westward for new year's.

and now, some old photos that i never had a chance to post earlier.


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